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Heather Leigh
Black Lives Matter: Resources and Responses

 I've already rewritten this post multiple times. That's because I don't want to upset someone or offend them.

But here we are.. more than likely someone won't agree with me...and that is fine, want to know why??? Because we live in the land of the free, where freedom of speech is YOUR right as well as MINE!

So here is my freedom of speech.

I agree with peaceful protesting.

I don't agree with hateful crimes, violence, and looting.

I understand you are upset. I don't know where you are coming from because I haven't been there.

I know I've been taught not to care what color your skin is, that you and I, we put our pants on the same regardless of what position you are in and what position I am in.

I will not misuse my power, my rank, my knowledge to hurt someone intentionally.


I find that to be the hardest thing. I do think white privilege is a thing and I completely disagree with it. This isn't something new, this is something that has been going on for centuries.

I am educated, but always willing to learn more and I do.  I understand why those who are looting and being violent feel the need to do this...because they want to be heard...and guess's working!! It's worked for a number of years. Do I agree with it? HELL NO. BUT here's the thing....why didn't we listen when they WERE just peacefully protesting. Why does it have to take 6 days for something to be done. It shouldn't, something should be done for all those who have been killed and justice has not been served.

Do I believe police brutality is ok... HELL NO... police are there to protect and they do, they have for my family multiple times. What I think... is they should get the same training nurses to do. I'm an ER nurse and I have been in the ER for 10 years now. NOT ONCE has someone died on my shift because of a traumatic force or asphyxiation! With this being said, I have had to detain multiple patients, I've been spit at, slapped, hit, things thrown at, and guess what all those people lived. There are ways to detain people without making it where someone can't breathe. It's called NON VIOLENT CRISIS INTERVENTION.  Here is the link.. PLEASE visit it...tell your friends who are police officers, security forces, or in any type of job that has to deal with detaining people. I also have no leg to stand on when it comes to judging police officers. I know SO MANY that are amazing, and kind, and just really want to protect their community. I also have no idea how they are trained, they may get this training...this is something I should educate myself on.

I truly hope things change, I think we are headed in the right direction but there is still so much for people to learn and understand including myself. BUT we will not learn or change if people continue to vote or elect close-minded individuals who are not FOR change. We need to embrace change...change is good.  If we don't change the ENTIRE SYSTEM...people will continue to die for an unjust cause, people will continue to get away with murder because of their badge, people will continue to get away with things because the SYSTEM has not changed.

ALSO, please feel free to comment and show me your freedom of speech...I'm here for it..because just like me being entitled to my opinion you are too! Let's have a conversation! I'm willing to learn and change!


Heather Leigh


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