2020 is going to be the year!

Living Simply by
 Heather Leigh

2020 is going to be the YEAR!

WOW!!....Just wow..right? 2020 is nuts so far, especially for Nick and me. I've been a little MIA lately and my first excuse is honestly NP school. Last semester, thank goodness. If I wasn't working, I was doing clinical and if I wasn't doing either I was enjoying family time. This summer will be my last semester of NP school and then I will be graduating as a Family Nurse Practioner. So excited guys!

So just to catch everyone up on how our year is going so far, we found out two exciting things at the beginning the first was Nick was selected to become a Respiratory Therapist for the military. This was super exciting news, the not so exciting news was he only had a month before he left for two years. WHAT??? I mean that's the military for you. So we did what we knew best...ADAPT. 

We had a celebratory dinner with our families and unfortunatley this was the only one we captured. Nick said his good bye's to friends and family, we got our affairs in order and off we went! 

I wanted to make sure he got all situated, we were also celebrating some more exciting news that we found out!

We were FINALLY pregnant!! I mean who doesn't want to have a baby during a pandemic and their husband leaving! LOL just kidding. We are so excited. More on baby later. 

Then COVID-19 got real serious! I feel like things escalated quickly... right?? So let's just recap real quick.......
1. Last semester of Nurse Practioner School
2. Nick's leaving for Respiratory Therapy School
3. Pregnancy and Baby
4. Pandemic

I think that's enough right? LOL well no, the fun doesn't stop there. I ended up having to file for unemployment. WHAT? NEVER would I thought that I would have had to do that! Especially as an RN, but hey everything happens for a reason, right? It really has. Thankfully, after getting unemployed I was able to get all my clinical's done quickly! I was able to get the house ready to sell and Nick has been able to support our family for the time being until I can start working again.

Well, I think that's enough to catch up, for now, don't worry though things are just getting exciting! I've obviously got a little more time on my hands so I want to try and keep this updated! 
Until next time!


Heather Leigh


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